Friday, January 21, 2011

White Whales and the ride that got me there

In the craft beer community a "white whale" is often referred to as a beer on your want list that is highly sought after, or very limited. I have a few white whales that I've been after since becoming a craft beer enthusiast, and here's just a short list:

1.Dark Lord
2.Kate The Great
5.Pliny The Younger

Within the last week I've been able to either taste or obtain two of those beers from my whale list, Darkness 09', 10' and Dark Lord. The Darkness bottles where shared by my good friend Phil, or The Ferm, from DosBeerigos. Now I have a few milestones coming up, beer #900 and #1000, but I think the most important thing to remember here is not just the beers themselves but the ride that got you there.
This may sound like a  I'm singing a sappy country song, but for me it's always been more about the chase then the catch. I love hunting down beers I can't find in South Florida and trying just about every different beer under the sun. I read somewhere that the difference between a beer snob and a beer geek is that a beer snob wants to  know everything about craft beer and a beer geek just wants to try everything. 
Sounds true to me because I probably couldn't tell you how beer is brewed or made, even though it's pretty much only 4 simple ingredients (water, barley,  hops, and yeast), but I could probably tell you if I've tried a certain type of beer or not and my thoughts on it. Even today it's odd, to me especially, how my brain can retain certain information like that. There's pretty much three types of information my brain can retain without a doubt. 1.Movie lines and quotes 2.Music 3.Beer, everything else may fall by the waste side.
OK, well I've gone off on a tangent here, but my big underlining theme was suppose to be something like this. Enjoy every glass of beer you drink. A beer you may find commonly around South Florida, such as Cigar City Jai Alai, could be someones most sought after beer or white whale. And don't forget to enjoy the ride.

"Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride" (HST)

Song of the Day: Van Halen -- Ain't Talkin' Bout Love

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